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About: Regional Educational and Career Help Australia (REACHAU)

Regional Educational and Career Help Australia (REACHAU), is dedicated to equipping individuals with essential skills that can make a real difference in their lives.
With a strong focus on understanding the “why” in training of any kind, and a commitment to staying up to date with Australian Resuscitation Council updates REACHAU offers the following Nationally recognised certification courses in First Aid:
- HLTAID009 - Provide CardioPulmonary Resuscitation
- HLTAID011 - Provide First Aid
- HLTAID012 - Provide First Aid in an education and care setting
- HLTAID013 - Provide First Aid in remote or isolated site
- HLTAID014 - Provide Advanced First Aid
Our First Aid courses are designed to give you the confidence and knowledge to handle first aid emergencies calmly and effectively.
Operating across both regional and metropolitan areas of Western Australia, REACHAU is committed to making high-quality education accessible where it is most needed.
If you're looking to enhance your skills or prepare for new opportunities, REACHAU is your go-to training provider.
Our unique and effective Pre-Employment programs are designed to assist people to gain confidence by identifying life skills gained through experiences, and how those skills relate to what employers are looking for.
Participants of these programs and workshops learn how to set realistic career and life goals, create, and adjust their own resume and cover letters and how to get through the process of job interviews with less anxiety and more confidence.
Programs delivery is unique to the group and structured for the best chance of success for participants.
Whether you are:
- Fresh into the job market and have no work experience
- Seeking to change employment to a different industry and want support and assistance for that transition
- Finishing years of university with a specific skill set and little work experience
- Have been incarcerated and finding barriers to employment as a result
Our programs are designed to show you that you do have skills and experience to offer no matter what your background and to assist participants to identify roles that are aligned with their life goals.
With a background in Mental Health, Fitness, Hospitality, Transport and Logistics, and Business management and operations, Britt is uniquely qualified to assist you in identifying goals and creating pathways towards those goals.
Booking a course with REACHAU is simple and convenient.
For individuals we offer locations and training times to suit busy lifestyles.
We will also cater to group bookings for:
- Education and Child Care Centres
- Remote Industry Companies
- Sporting Clubs
- Training in your own home
Our experienced trainers are dedicated to providing personalized instruction that meets your unique needs. REACHAU is here to support your journey and help you achieve your goals.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to gain valuable skills and advance your career.
Check our Booking Calendar below to book your First Aid Training or email your interest in other workshops and programs.
Booking Calendar
Contact Britt Brennan
Regional Educational and Career Help Australia
Email: regionaleducationcareerhelp@gmail.com
Phone: 0481 123 204